
  • How can I order?
    Fill out the contact form below and click "SEND E-MAIL" to send us your request.
    We will contact you and we will do our best to make the best solution for you!
  • I would like more information
    Fill out the contact form below and click "SEND E-MAIL" to send us your question.
    We will reply to you as soon as possible so that you can choose from our products with the right information.
  • I want a custom solution (size, color, design)
    Contact us at one of our contact details!
    Control unit, unique cover, unique design, unique terrarium.
    We will contact you and find a solution you need.


Budapest; Tatabánya

Contact Form

Send e-mail to TerrariumControl Team
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"From the rainforest to the desert." TerrariumControl !

A TerrariumControl Team’s aim is to develop terrarium equipments that help owners to keep their pets living conditions closest to natural. Our products provide a technical solution to the weakness and insufficiency of similar equipments. Reliability and easy usage are important aspects of our products. High quality and affordable prices are guaranteed by the fully Hungarian development and production.

Our members

Ervin Brandl Programmer

Electric Engineer
Electronics, development and programming.
+36-30/949 5902

Zoltán Karsai 3D design

Electric and Quality Engineer
3D Development, construction and coordination.
+36-70/932 0112